Bi-Curious Democrat Congressxer in Polyamorous Affair flashes Nazi-era tat

In Kalli it’s a feature not a bug…


Is this the greatest time in the history of the world to be alive or what?

I mean when else could you read the words “Bi-Curious Democrat Congressxer in Polyamorous Affair flashes Nazi-era tat” and it’s actually true?

The British tabloid Daily Mail has the scooparooski:

EXCLUSIVE: Shocking photos of Congresswoman Katie Hill are revealed as she’s seen NAKED showing off Nazi-era tattoo while smoking a bong, kissing her female staffer and posing nude on ‘wife sharing’ sites

I suppose there should be a potential NSFW warning regarding the clicking of the link, but hey, live dangerously Spartans!

And all Al Franken had was this and now he’s an ex-senator:

Image result for al franken grope


The last word goes to cementer over at Instapundit who wrote this:

Remember, this person was elected to Congress by suburban wine moms who felt that Donald Trump was morally deficient.